A Candoras Box Mod - Sharing and Caring Glowing Ghouls Those mods have all been repacked and put in the files section of this guide. Due to the age of Fallout: New Vegas, some mods from the Nexus are structured in a way that NMM can't use.If you don't like the animation, just replace them with Bethesda default animation or any other animation mod but the location must be exactly as indicated above. Note: For those custom animation path, u need to run this mod since it separates the shared animation and only affect female (player & NPC).Check out Arbitration in full swing right here! Arbitration is a mod that puts emphasis on tweaking the entire nature of combat in Fallout 4 in a variety of ways such as improved combat AI, increased grenade detection distance, improved fall damage, increased walk speed and many more. The mod has hundreds of gameplay, quest, NPC, item, text, object and placement bugs fixed and is created by the authors of the Unofficial Oblivion and Skyrim Patch series. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch is the best fall out 4 mod with the goal to fix every bug in the game.